L3 Longsword Sports New Sensors at Farnborough 2018
The converted ag-plane is evolving from a light-attack role to multi-mission capability
The L3 Longsword is evolving from a rugged light attack aircraft into a multi-sensor, multimission platform, as can be seen in the static park this week at Farnborough 2018. L3 Aerospace Systems (Chalet A15) flew this aircraft, which is based on the Air Tractor AT-802U cropduster, from Texas to Farnborough in six hops, and then hung some new equipment beneath it.
The L3 Longsword is evolving from a rugged light attack aircraft into a multi-sensor, multimission platform, as can be seen in the static park this week at Farnborough 2018. L3 Aerospace Systems (Chalet A15) flew this aircraft, which is based on the Air Tractor AT-802U cropduster, from Texas to Farnborough in six hops, and then hung some new equipment beneath it.