Flexjet Outlines How Supersonic AS2s Will Be Integrated
AS2s will be part of Flexjet's Global Access program and fly international city pairs.
Flexjet's Aerion AS2 supersonic business jets will be relegated to flying city pairs—likely coastal cities that would allow nearly the entire flight to be flown overwater at the aircraft’s top speed of Mach 1.5. Another reason is the jet will be 170 feet long, requiring specially built hangars, and also need longer runways than traditional business aircraft. Customers using the AS2 would then need to transfer to a subsonic Flexjet aircraft to complete the rest of their trip, employing a hub-and-spoke system. (Photo: Flexjet)
Flexjet's Aerion AS2 supersonic business jets will be relegated to flying city pairs—likely coastal cities that would allow nearly the entire flight to be flown overwater at the aircraft’s top speed of Mach 1.5. Another reason is the jet will be 170 feet long, requiring specially built hangars, and also need longer runways than traditional business aircraft. Customers using the AS2 would then need to transfer to a subsonic Flexjet aircraft to complete the rest of their trip, employing a hub-and-spoke system. (Photo: Flexjet)