Richard Pedicini
Contributor - South America

Contributor - South America

Latest from Richard Pedicini


Brazilian King Air, Thought Hijacked, Still Missing

Region lacks radar coverage but has an abundance of legal and clandestine private airfields.

Full House for Airbus Helo Safety Meeting in Brazil

Helibras safety manager Antonio Modesto described the event as “the realization of a personal dream” with full company support.

Brazilian Air Force Buys Six Embraer Legacy 500s

Deliveries of the fly-by-wire midsize business jets are expected to start in 2016.
Maintenance and Modifications

Brazil Thinks Big for Bizav MRO Expansions

TAM Aviação Executivo, World-Way Aviation and Catarina Airport all have big plans to expand MRO facilities in Brazil.

New Airports Promise to Catalyse Bizav Growth in Brazil

Airport development policy in Brazil threatens to push business aviation out of regional airports, as the country’s government favors airlines.
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Viking Will Be Back, Despite Aircraft Missing LABACE Static

A glitch in the paperwork meant that Viking Aircraft was too late to get its aircraft into the static display at LABACE.

Brazilian Helicopter Crash Kills Soccer Star and Four Others

Helicopter departed in the middle of the night in good weather.

Registration Finally Opens for LABACE 2014

Exhibitors must sign up and pay before June 6 for priority in the exhibit space drawing on June 10.

Brazilian Parliament Signs Accident Investigation Bill

Legislation was originally proposed after the 2006 Legacy midair.
Regulations and Government

Brazil Takes Slot Requests, Threatens Fines for World Cup

Civil aviation administration agency ANAC announced fines of up to $40,000 and even suspension of pilot certificates for slot violations.
Regulations and Government

What is a “Trading” company?

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