Silverjet, a new UK-based all-first-class, long-haul airline, is recruiting captains and copilots for its initial London-New York route, due to begin servi
Two weeks after Honda revealed its long-anticipated commercial plans for the HondaJet, the Japanese company on August 8 established a wholly owned subsidia
Seeking to dispel common misconceptions that the next-generation air transportation system (NGATS) will not provide benefits to users until 2025, FAA Admin
A Falcon 900 overran Runway 1 during landing at Greenville Downtown Airport, S.C., on July 17, but was stopped by the Engineered Materials Arresting System
The nine-month-old NetJets pilot contract, which raised wages substantially, isn’t having the speculated adverse effect on profits at the fractional provid
Philippe Patricio, 21, who in June last year stole a Cessna 172 at Danbury Municipal Airport, Conn., and flew it on a drunken joyride to Westchester County
September 18 is the comment deadline on a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to establish operational life limitations designed to prevent widespread fat
The FAA has granted, with conditions, Raytheon Aircraft’s request that the Hawker 4000 be temporarily exempted from certain Part 25 amendments to enable th
Under an FAA proposal issued late last month, an airline’s annual “average seat size” would have to be equal to or greater than the airport-wide target of
A long-awaited interim final rule extends until at least mid-2008 the FAA’s mandated flight-reduction program to ease congestion at Chicago O’Hare Internat
Adam Aircraft of Englewood, Colo., last month completed a $93 million funding round led by venture-capital firm DCM, a new investor in the start-up manufac
Expect Cessna at the NBAA Convention next month to announce the Citation CJ4, a stretched version of the CJ3 with a slightly swept wing based on the Sovere
Calculation and theory go only so far in an aircraft development program, and last month it was time for Dassault’s Falcon 7X S/N 003 to jump in and get it
Republic Airways late last month exercised purchase options on 30 Embraer E175s, bringing the total number of E-Jets ordered by the Indianapolis-based regi
Diamond has increased the price of the single-engine D-Jet from less than $1 million to $1.36 million, nudging the $1.5 million tag for the Eclipse 500 ver
The NTSB wants the FAA to attend immediately to “deficiencies” in the cold-weather operating procedures for Saab 340s, as well as the aircraft’s performanc
By 2009, Nav Canada plans to install ADS-B ground stations around Hudson Bay, which straddles high-latitude airline flight paths between Asia, North Americ